All the work is performed not only in accordance with regulations and standards valid in Czech Republic but also in compliance with commission decisions concerning TSI, UIC leaflets, and other EU standards.
Quality management system has been audited according to ISO 9001 standard since 2000, environmental management system according to ČSN EN ISO 14001 standard since 2005, occupational health and safety management system according to ČSN ISO 45001 standardsince 2008. All management systems have been audited by BUREAU VERITAS CZECH REPUBLIC, spol. s r.o., Praha.
We are holder of certifikate of maintenance for vehicles in the European Union according to directive (EU) 2016/798 and commission regulation (EU) 2019/779.
Certificates of type testing, issued by Výzkumný Ústav Železniční, a.s. Praha.
Certificate of suplier qualification of ČD for repaires and amendments of rail vehicles, issued by České dráhy, a.s.
Certificate of non-destructive testing, issued by České dráhy, a.s.
Certificate of repairs of DAKO brake devices, issued by DAKO-CZ, a.s. Třemošnice.
Certifikates of welding:
Certificate of weldingaccording to ČSN EN ISO 3834–2, issued by SVV Praha.
Certificate of welding of railway vehicles and rail vehicle components according to DIN EN 15085-2, issued by DVS ZERT GmbH.
Certificete of welding of tanks and tank parts of tank wagons for transportation of hazardous materials according to RID, issued by Drážní úřad.
We also must not forget about the certificates and authorizations of our staff.